Consider this: Every time you sign up for a site/service or make an online purchase, you use an email address. That email address can be used by trackers to keep tabs on your behavior. No one wants that, which is why DuckDuckGo has released the beta of its email protection service to the public at large.

What is DuckDuckGo’s email protection?

Simply put, the DuckDuckGo email protection allows you to define your actual email address with the service, and then, when you need to use an email address online, you then use DuckDuckGo to create either a personal or private “Duck” address for the website in question. Any email that is then sent to the address is stripped of trackers and then forwarded to the personal email address you configured.  By using this service, you can be sure that any time you need to sign up for anything using an email address, nothing untoward will come of it.  The DuckDuckGo Email Protection service offers smarter encryption, link tracking protection, Duck address replying, a self-service dashboard, and more. Also: Permanently protect your email addresses for only $20

Use cases for DuckDuckGo Email Protection

There are a number of reasons you might want to use DuckDuckGo’s Email Protection, such as:

Shopping.Avoiding spam.Newsletter signups.Unknown or new contacts.In place of long email addresses.

Let’s see how to use DuckDuckGo’s Email Protection service.

Getting started with DuckDuckGo’s Email Protection

Also: How to check the Privacy Report for website tracking on Safari 


Also: How to recall an email in Outlook And that, my email-dependent friends, is all there is to add a layer or two of protection for your email communications. I highly suggest you give this service a try. Even if you only use it for online shopping and newsletter signups, you’ll be glad you did.