Data explained why I felt tired when I checked my sleep score every day. Data showed me I wasn’t getting enough sleep, plain and simple. Having the stats on my phone each morning motivated me to make better choices and improve my sleep hygiene.  Choosing the right sleep tracker for you can be a challenge. We explore the most popular options as well as some you may not have heard about to help you choose the best sleep tracker. Also: How to sleep better with the Apple Watch Notoriously popular among both smartwatch and Apple fans, the newest Apple Watch comes with WatchOS 9 from the get-go. The Apple Watch now tracks how long you spend in bed and asleep, as well as sleep stages, like REM, core (light) sleep, and deep sleep.  The data is available as soon as you wake up, and, if you enjoy an Apple ecosystem, it can be paired seamlessly with your iPhone’s focus mode to detect when you’re awake. According to ZDNET’s own Christina Darby, “The Apple Watch became just as much of a nighttime accessory as my retainer. I loved having insight into the one thing I wasn’t used to tracking – my sleep.” Older compatible versions can also get sleep tracking through an iOS update, and the Apple Watch Ultra also tracks sleep, if you’re wanting the most advanced rugged tech. Read the review: Apple Watch 8 is a sleeper hit One of the most popular wearable devices also used as a sleep tracker is the Fitbit. These fitness trackers use machine learning algorithms to convert data collected during the night into a sleep quality score, as well as sleep cycles.  Also: Apple Watch vs Fitbit for sleep tracking With different styles at different prices, there is a Fitbit for everyone, from the most affordable and simple Inspire 3 to the advanced smartwatch Fitbit Sense 2. A medical study on the accuracy of wearables to track sleep concluded that, while Fitbit models with sleep staging show a promising performance of tracking sleep cycles, though “they are of limited specificity” compared to advanced medical devices. Read the review: Fitbit Inspire 3 review The Withings Sleep tracking pad is a slim device that goes under the mattress and tracks sleep cycles, breathing and heart rate, has snore detection, and puts the data together to give you an overall sleep score at the end of the night, much like the Fitbit.  These pads are popular among sleep tracking enthusiasts and can even help users detect sleep disorders like sleep apnea. Also: The best sound machines: Fall asleep faster The Biostrap EVO wearable health monitor collects data while you sleep to determine your sleep stages and overnight recovery levels. It provides users with comprehensive data that shows the quality of sleep they’re getting.  Biostrap, the manufacturer of this sleep tracker, provides healthcare professionals and organizations with different devices for remote physiological monitoring of patients as well as for clinical research. The Whoop 4.0 is a no-nonsense fitness tracker that doesn’t have a screen. It’s simply built to track fitness and sleep data, and it’s an uncomplicated device.  Also: Whoop vs Apple Watch As a fitness tracker, the Whoop 4.0 tracks strain, “defined as the measure of your cardiovascular load, scored on a scale of 0 to 21.” This measure helps you see how your body performed during workouts and what kind of recovery you’ll need. Read the review: Screenless wearable helps you avoid injuries, track sleep details The Halo Rise is a smart bedside sleep tracker that doubles as a wake-up light and smart alarm. This means that it gradually adjusts the built-in light to slowly wake you up, simulating the gradual brightening of the sunrise.  The smart alarm feature senses when you’re in a light sleep stage to wake you up, much like some Fitbits do.  With no wearables involved, the Halo Rise sits on your bedside table, looking a lot like a makeup ring light, sensing your body movements and breathing rate to track when you fall asleep and your sleep stages. The jury is still out on non-contact bio-motion sensing devices, but some studies have found they can be relatively accurate. The most common error is failing to detect when you wake up.  The Muse S meditation headband not only tracks your sleep but also helps you fall asleep through guided and unguided meditation. You can start the night with relaxing meditation, and the device will notice when you drift away, making it a dual-purpose wearable.  Meditation is a practice that can add many health benefits to your life, like lowered blood pressure and less stress and anxiety, according to different studies. Muse S can sense when you wake up in the middle of the night and can automatically play more audio to lull you back to sleep. Read the review: I slept with a meditation headband, Here’s why you should, too Another wearable device is the Oura Ring which, unlike other more popular trackers, is worn on a finger rather than wrist. Oura claims to accurately track sleep cycles, total sleep time, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and movement. The technology combines and converts this information into a sleep score.  Compared to a polysomnography, a medical test used to diagnose sleep disorders, the Oura ring proves to be 96% accurate in detecting sleep. More specifically, the Oura ring is 65% accurate in detecting light sleep, 51% for deep sleep, and 61% for REM sleep. According to ZDNET’s Matthew Miller, a new sleep tracking algorithm “will provide even more accuracy that we already see with the Oura Ring” in future updates. Read the review: Oura Ring 3 review: Unobtrusive 24/7 health tracking with more to come in 2022 Apple Watch’s sleep tracking abilities make it stand out from the rest. It combines the data it gathers each night to best approximate your sleep quality and cycles. The bonus? Apple’s smartwatch comes with many other features, too. A simpler option like a Fitbit, for example, may be more suitable for those not interested in all the bells and whistles of the Apple Watch. Those devices only measured time asleep, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels, but nowadays I enjoy sleeping in my Fitbit Inspire 2 and Apple Watch to see data each morning. After switching from Fossil to Apple to Fitbit, I really enjoy the simplicity of the Fitbit Inspire 2, but, most of all, I enjoy the sleep stages breakdown. Maybe it’s that OCD again, but give me some data to obsess over and I’ll buy into whatever you’re selling. With a Fitbit and other devices like the Withings mat, you get a snapshot of what your sleep cycles looked like in nights past: How long you were asleep, in which sleep stages, and how long did each cycle last.  After that, it’s all a matter of preference: wristband, headband, mattress pad, etc. The craving for health information is constant nowadays. We want to track calories and macros in our diet, along with heart rate, and even blood oxygen level. Quality sleep has become another lifestyle habit to track. With health and tech companies creating new sleep devices, aids, and trackers, it’s no wonder the market is flooded. To find the best sleep trackers, I used my personal experience and thorough research into product quality as well as sleep studies on these devices. This cycle will last about 1.5 hours, then repeat itself in intervals closer to two hours, maybe with a few awake minutes in between, but always ending with REM sleep. As the night progresses, you’ll likely experience less time in deep sleep, while the REM stages will become longer.  A regular night of sleep should be about 50% light sleep, 20% REM sleep, 20% deep sleep, and 10% awake.  Also: A hidden feature on your iPhone may help you sleep better An EEG shows your brainwaves through different stages and cycles of sleep. A wearable smartwatch or fitness tracker on your wrist, however, is far from your brain. The most popular wearables by Fitbit, Apple, Garmin, and Samsung collect a combination of the following measurements: heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV), movement, breaths per minute, and skin temperature. Devices that track sleep cycles use an algorithm to hypothesize your sleep cycles based on the data. A 2017 study compared a polysomnography with the performance of a Fitbit Charge 2 in 35 adults. Researchers found the Fitbit device detected sleep onset with 96% accuracy but overshot time spent asleep by 9 minutes on average. In the study, the Fitbit detected light sleep with 81% accuracy, deep sleep with only 49% accuracy, and REM sleep with 74% accuracy.  A newer study published in April of 2022 compared the performance of Fitbit Alta HR to results of an EEG conducted simultaneously on 40 college athletes while sleeping. This study found FItBit data to satisfactorily track sleep onset, time spent asleep, and sleep cycles. Fitbit can be a useful tool for athletes’ sleep management. While not 100% accurate, the Fitbit data had a strong correlation with polysomnography data.  No-contact sleep trackers, however, like the Halo Rise, rely on sensing movement, so it monitors your breathing and body movements, as well as environmental factors like light, temperature, and noise levels. Though companies tout their own tracker as the most accurate, we can’t say for sure unless all devices are compared with polysomnography, which is the gold standard for sleep tracking.