Also: How to perfectly answer the ’tell me about yourself’ interview question  I’ve often wondered if there was a definitive answer (or, in this case, question) for this. What queries are a productive use of both the interviewer’s and interviewee’s time? Is the invitation just a formality? And what questions should I avoid asking so I don’t give the interviewer a bad impression of me?  I reached out to HR professionals to learn more about how to best handle this classic end-of-interview question, and now I present to you the five golden questions that you should ask any hiring manager and three that you may want to avoid.

Why your interview questions matter

Before we get into what questions to ask, it’s important to understand why it’s important to ask one. As cliche as it sounds, a job interview is a two-way process that both you and the company are choosing to invest in. So, take the opportunity to ask at least one question that helps you determine whether the company is the right fit for you.  Also: How to set up informational interviews without seeming pushy  “[An interview] is the company looking to determine whether or not the candidate is the right candidate for the job, but it’s also for the candidate to ensure that they can be successful at that company,” says Dr. Janet Lenaghan, Dean of Frank G. Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University.  

Five questions you should ask in an interview

Three questions you shouldn’t ask in an interview

While you should always have a question or two reserved for the end, the following are deemed as “not recommended” by HR professionals – in the earlier phases of the interview, at least.  Valerie Rector, VP of Human Resources at Ping Identity, suggests starting by asking, “What do you like most about the work culture? What’s most unique about it?”  “Even though it’s a bit of a softball, it’s still a great question that keeps the conversation flowing while telling what’s special about the company’s leadership style,” says Rector. Also: Tech in 2023: Here’s what is going to really matter According to Dr. Lenaghan, it’s important to do an “environmental scan’’ to understand what’s happening in the industry and what’s on the horizon. What implications do these broader changes have on your potential role and work processes? Rector recommends asking, “Why did you join XYZ company?” or “How have you grown since being in your position?” Your interviewer’s account of their journey may make you think of something you hadn’t considered before.  “I think that’s just a great lens to start from, whether you’re the hiring manager, or the prospective candidate, to really understand what accomplishments will get me an ‘Outstanding’ on my performance review,” says Rector.  Also: How to find a new job while still employed Asking these questions may seem presumptuous on the surface, but they exhibit confidence and drive. Also, it’s good to have an outline of expectations before you go further in the process or accept the position.  “It makes the candidate look good, because hey, they want to succeed,” Rector adds. “What can they expect from the company? What can they expect from the culture is very, very important, as well. How has the team worked together? How are the players? What are their meetings like? What is the expectation? That’s all very important,” says Sue Swan, Chief of People at Summus Global.  With remote and hybrid work becoming a new norm, you also want to make sure a team structure is in place so you have the support and communication needed to be productive from afar.  Also: Remote work is hard. Here are five ways to make it easier “So that you feel involved and you’re participating, it helps to understand what the specific software platform(s) — is it Zoom or Teams – you’ll utilize,” says Swan.

1. How much time do I get off?

Even though this might be a burning question, it’s not one you want to ask – especially if it’s an early-round interview or initial screening call.  “I always think it’s a little bit of a red flag when you’re asking about things like time off, and you don’t even have the job,” says Rector. It is important, however, to make sure that you won’t be overworked. So instead, ask, “What does the work-life balance look like?” This question is not only phrased better but is an opportunity to learn more about the company culture, too.

2. Anything that can easily be found on the company’s website

Asking something that can readily be found on the company website can give the interviewer the impression that you’re not serious about the company or that you’re unprepared.  “Ensure that your questions are ones that you couldn’t have answered by doing your own research,” says Lenaghan.  If the company website has a mission statement, for example, don’t ask what the company stands for or what the company most values. Instead, you could ask how the company upholds its values, while mentioning specific ones, to show that you did your research and you’re interested in learning more. 

3. For initial screenings: What’s my compensation?

Whether on its website, initial job listing, or discussed during the later course of the interview, most companies will make an effort to disclose pay scale and benefits – now more than ever.  While asking about pay rates and benefits is important and fair, there is in fact a “best time” to inquire about it some more. In your first screening, however, focus on questions that show you’re passionate about the role, and not just there for the money.  More: Pay transparency is coming. Here’s what that means for you “We really want to focus on what the role is, and not necessarily the compensation piece and the PTO, at least in meeting one,” Rector says. Of course, if you find yourself wanting more clarification as you move forward in the interview process, ask questions rooted in curiosity. And understand if the hiring manager may need time post-interview to get you the right information.  “[Compensation questions] aren’t bad questions to ask, but it’s the approach on how their questions are phrased. Sometimes we have to take time, come back, and clarify what we offer and make sure that applicants understand the response,” Swan says.