Having tried many, many options out there, I can tell you one thing is certain: You’re unlikely to get a flawless result with any option. You will more often than not have to edit and redo some, if not all, of the formatting of your document to get it to look how you want it. The video above shows what a train wreck of an experience it was to add a PDF (one that originally was an Excel spreadsheet, no less) to Excel using Excel’s Import Data from Picture feature.  On the flip side, the most accurate option in my experience is Adobe’s PDF to Excel tool. It consistently gives me the best results. So the steps we’ll outline here will cover how to convert a PDF to Excel through Adobe.

How to convert a PDF to Excel

Step 1: Go to adobe.com. Select PDF & E-Signatures, then Online Tools.

If you have a free account, then signing in will give you more access to their online tools.

Step 2: Scroll down until you find the PDF to Excel tool. 

PDF to Excel will be a visible option under Convert from PDF.

Step 3: Upload the PDF, and it will convert to an Excel spreadsheet you can download.

The drawback to this method is that you can only do it for free twice a month. The biggest pro is that it gives you the best converted result of the free options available. You can see how the original spreadsheet compares to this converted version and that it’s pretty darn close. The data transferred accurately and the formatting remains pretty similar to the original.