Under the initiative, the Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies (Brasscom) plans to train 156,000 web developers, in what is is describing as the most ambitious skills training initiative ever undertaken in the country. The project aims to address the IT talent gap in Brazil: according to a study by Brasscom itself, some 420,000 new technology workers are required to meet the sector demands between 2019 and 2024. Annually, that would be equivalent to 70,000 professionals - but Brazil only produces 46,000 tech professionals each year. The Brasscom-led training course should last three months, with a total workload of 264 hours. Classes on topics including HTML, CSS and JavaScript will take place in a hybrid format, blending in-person and distance learning. Two educational institutions and two nonprofits or startups in the educational sector (edtechs) will be selected by the trade bodythis month to take part in a pilot edition of the initiative. In the project trial, 100 students divided into four groups from different regions of the country will participate in the initial stage. The course will be free for students, who will also earn an undisclosed amount to cover monthly expenses with food, travel and internet. Additionally, the trade body noted that those taking part will receive 100 Brazilian reais ($18) upon completion of the course. Brasscom will fund the trial stage of the project, with a total investment of 278,000 Brazilian reais ($52,000). After the trial, the trade body hopes to make the necessary adjustments, launch the program on a large scale and reach the goal of 156,000 by 2024. The trade body did not comment on what the total investment of the full training initiative will be. However, Brasscom said it will seek “strategic partnerships with public and private financing sources.”