SEE: IT Data Center Green Energy Policy (TechRepublic Premium) The cuts aren’t as big as Apple’s and Google’s. Google in March halved its 30% commission on in-app purchases for digital goods to 15% for developers earning up to $1 million per year from the Play Store. This matched Apple’s drop from 30% to 15% commissions for developers that earned $1 million a year from the App Store, which kicked off on January 1. “By helping small businesses get started with AWS through credits, we are making it easier for them to build and grow their app businesses. AWS gives developers easy access to a broad range of technologies so they can innovate faster and build nearly anything they can imagine.” SEE: Cloud computing: Microsoft sets out new data storage options for European customers But if the developer’s revenue dips below $1 million in a future year, they’re eligible for the discounts and credits in the next calendar year.  The credits apply to compute, storage, and databases as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence, data lakes and analytics, and Internet of Things.