According to reports on the Outages list, which is the central mailing list for ISP and network operators to report and track major internet connection problems, and numerous Reddit threads, the major Content Delivery Network (CDN) Akamai is the root of the problem. Specifically, people are reporting that when they try to reach sites that use Akamai to host their DNS CNAMEs they can’t reach them. The sites are fine. But, thanks to trouble on Akamai’s DNS edge servers, your web browser, game application, whatever, can’t reach the sites. They’re not getting the right addresses so your local program doesn’t know how to find them. Akamai has admitted it’s having trouble. In a notification, Akamai stated: Oops. There are reports that Akamai has a handle on the problem now. The status page site itself, as of 1:02 PM Eastern time, states that “This incident has been mitigated.” Since it takes time for both problems and fixes to appear in the global DNS service, you may still have trouble reaching some sites or services. For example, I’m still having trouble using my Delta airlines app. So, be patient. By the end of the business day, Akamai, and your internet connection should be back to normal. Related Stories:

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